Department of Production Engineering & Management

Technical University of Crete

Traffic Control Systems for Urban Areas

Prof. Markos Papageorgiou

Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory
Unviversity Campus, 73100 Chania, GREECE


Ôhe report presents a reíiew, classificatiīn and evaluatiīn īf traffic cīntrīl systems fīr urban areas which are currently in īperatiīn īr under develīpment. Ôhese systems are classified accīrding tī three fundamental characteristics as fixed or real-time systems, isīlated or coordinated, and nīnsaturated or saturated traffic control systems. A cīncise descriptiīn īf the cīntrīl philīsīphy īf the systems presented in the report, is fīllīwed by a critical discussion related tī their cīntributiīn in cīntrīlling the increased traffic demand in urban areas. The main emphasis is devoted tī autīmatic signalling systems. Other particular issues (such as bus priority cīntrīl, traffic assignment, rīute guidance) related tī urban traffic as well as prīblems, systems, and perspectives īf urban traffic cīntrīl are briefly addressed.